Report: Global Displacement of 71 Million People by 2022

According to a recent assessment, the fighting in Ukraine contributed to the 71.1 million people who were internally displaced globally last year as a result of natural catastrophes or conflict. It was a record-breaking amount. On May 11, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center of the Norwegian Refugee Council released their report for 2022. According to the report, by the end of the previous year, over 62 million people had been internally displaced by conflict and violence worldwide. Compared to 2021, that was a 17 percent increase. A person who is internally displaced is compelled to relocate within their own nation. Those who were compelled to relocate abroad were not included in the study from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center.

5.9 million people had been compelled to relocate within Ukraine as a result of Russia’s invasion by the end of 2022. After more than ten years of civil war, 6.8 million people in Syria were internally displaced. At the conclusion of the year, 8.7 million people were internally displaced within their countries due to natural calamities including floods and starvation. Compared to 2021, that was a 45 percent rise. The number of internally displaced people globally has increased by 20% since 2021 to 71.1 million. There were conflicts in Ethiopia, Syria, Ukraine, and other countries in 2022. There hasn’t been a respite in the conflict so far in 2023. The civil conflict in has resulted in the internal displacement of 700,000 people, according to new data from the United Nations migration agency.

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