Approximately 600 individuals convened in Denver, Colorado for a two-day convention in November 2018. Their clothing declared that the Earth is flat. They heard speakers who disregarded research conducted by NASA, the US space agency, and a large portion of the scientific community. They took images from space to be proof that the Earth is a round, flat, slender entity. Conspiracy theories are frequently linked to a lot of pseudoscientific assertions. The Colorado Sun revealed that a number of guests also thought that immunizations did not provide illness prevention. Furthermore, they denied the veracity of the September 11 attacks, the Sandy Hook massacre, and the Apollo moon landings.
Craig Foster was one of the guests of the flat Earth convention. He is a professor of psychology at the State University of New York (SUNY) Cortland. He attended the convention to learn about the perspectives, interactions, and experiences of “flat-Earthers” at social gatherings. At SUNY Cortland, Foster currently offers a course titled Psychology of Pseudoscience. The course enables students to comprehend the rationale behind the acceptance and belief in pseudoscience. Pseudo denotes unreal. Pseudoscience is a collection of views and activities incorrectly perceived by supporters as being founded on science.
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